Potential Beyond Your Comprehension

by | Apr 14, 2022 | Life Advice, Wisdom

Growing up it always puzzled me to hear the words, “you have so much potential.”  

I got this from my parents, mentors, close friends, and an occasional stranger in the midst of conversation. Maybe you can relate to hearing this. Maybe you can relate to the feeling of wanting that person who spoke those words to elaborate even more to maybe answer the thoughts of: ‘okay I have this potential, so what’s next, what do I do?’. 

Maybe you can’t relate though, so if you fall into this category there is one thing I want you to know which is the honest truth: You have potential. You were made on purpose and for a purpose by God – the same God who made the heavens and the earth. The same God who sent His son to die on a cross and raise to life all to be in a relationship with you. In order to fulfill your potential, you have to recognize that you possess it. Potential, that is. Lots of it.

The defintion for potential is: something that can develop or become actual.  

And the part where you come is the choice; the choice to believe you have potential and want to fulfill it. For my life and countless others, this desire to fulfill our potential is driven by the realization that we have a perfect, Heavenly Father who created us in His image and placed us here on earth for a purpose.

My prayer is that this truth never becomes cliche to you or me. I pray that every time you read this, or even myself, that we would be left in awestruck wonder. Genesis 1:27 says this, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” In the image of God, you were created! Jeremiah 29:11 says this, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Maybe you’re now in the category of feeling: ‘okay well I have potential, but I am too young!’  

Friend, Jeremiah 29:11 were words spoken by Jeremiah, who was only 17 when God called upon him to be used in His story! You are not too old and you are not too young to step into what God is calling you to do. The God of the universe took a moment in time to form your life. You are not here by accident. You are not reading this by accident.

We all need a reminder that we have potential. 

…potential to create something beautiful. 

…potential to make someone feel loved today. 

…potential to write the next best song. 

…potential to inspire younger generations with words. 

…potential to do something that is so beyond anything you can fathom.

Friend, you have the potential to live inside the arms of God’s love and grace. You have all that you need here, in this moment. Jesus is available to you now. Living life inside of God’s design and will for us is the beautiful and mind blowing truth that enables us to live a life maximized in joy, living out your potential. His word does not exist to be this rigid and exacting guide in life, but something we can build our life upon to live a life maximizing the potential and purpose He has placed in each of us.

I wonder what would happen if we all realized the value we have in our Heavenly Father’s eyes. I wonder what would happen if we realized that we have been invited into the greatest story of all time. The story that saves, that changes lives; the story of Jesus who stepped down from Heaven to face a death He did not deserve, conquer death, and pay the price for our sins that separated us from God. The story that saves and changes lives is the one God is inviting you into. I wonder what would happen if we allowed this to blow our mind?  

If you realize anything today, I hope you realize you have potential to do immeasurably more than you can imagine in and through Christ. The greatest thing you can do now, is live out the potential you have to make Him known. I can promise you this, if you draw nearer to Him, He will align all of your steps according to His perfect will.

God has given you full access to His goodness and a life maximized in joy and purpose. “For the Lord God is brighter than the brilliance of a sunrise! Wrapping himself around me like a shield, he is so generous with his gifts of grace and glory. Those who walk along his paths with integrity will never lack one thing they need, for he provides it all!” 

Psalms 84:11 (TPT).  God is your biggest fan. Have you ever thought of it that way? You have purpose and potential to be a part of God sized things walking with the One who made you. 

This current week is Holy week, the week leading up to Jesus on the cross, dying a death He did not deserve to bridge the gap that man created between us and God, now giving us full access to our Heavenly Father. Jesus, who defeated death for a relationship with YOU, also believes in you.

Maybe you are in a season where you feel like your life has no potential or there is no one around you who is believing in you. Can I just remind you today friend that you do not need other people to believe in you or approve of you? Jesus believes in you and is rooting for you, even when it feels like the wind is against you. Especially, then. You are chosen, called, adored, and invited into the Kingdom of Heaven. Dream and walk in lockstep with Him!

Way too often we get stuck waiting on the approval of others or the next door to fling wide open. The only approval you need, you already have from your Heavenly Father. Before you even do or say a thing, you are enough. You are enough because of what Jesus did on the cross, He is our rescue and biggest fan. He is our perfection, so we do not have to be. The pressure is completely off to be perfect or do things perfectly. You have grace accessible to you for future mess ups and a God who takes our mess ups and turns them into beautiful stories to tell to invite others in. And for the door that you are waiting on to open, what if we just knocked?

“And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you” Romans 8:11 (NIV). 

Live in remembrance of what Jesus did on the cross for you to step into eternity with your Maker. Live in remembrance that you have potential and you have purpose because the same power that rose Jesus from the dead lives inside you if you would just allow Him in. Jesus is knocking at your door to make your life something beautiful and He is the only one who can fill it with purpose. Will you let him in?

Darcy Clark is a Jesus follower and friend to many. Her hometown is Houston, Tx, where you can find her coffee sipping, exploring, and writing. She is an aspiring author, current dreamer, and spends most of her time in girls ministry through her local church. She attended Texas A&M University and has taken her schooling online now, since she moved to Tennessee and back to Texas this last year.

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