I Was Running So Fast & I Wasn’t Coming Up for Air! Finding Balance in a Busy Life

by | Nov 26, 2024 | LO Youtube Imports

Korie Robertson and Beth Redman have both found themselves running so far they couldn’t come up for air — or so it seemed — being busy wives and moms. But they share how they both were able to find — and maintain — balance as they moved through life. Sometimes it’s meant stepping back from friendships that weren’t life-giving or learning when a physical break is needed. Whether that’s a firm naptime on Sundays, practicing a sabbath, or just taking some slow time to regroup. It is possible to maintain a balance in whatever you’re navigating in life! Sadie’s learned the value in social media breaks. And Maisey confesses balance is something she’s struggled with, especially in trying to be everything to everybody — which is just not possible. And why she’s valuing discernment as a tool in finding balance every day.

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LO Mama host Korie Robertson starred on A&E’s hit reality TV show Duck Dynasty and produced The Blind, a film about the true story of the Robertson family. She and her husband, Willie, have 6 kids. Together, they grew their family business, Duck Commander, from a living room operation into a destination for all things outdoors. They also built Tread Lively, a multimedia production company that creates films, television shows, and award-winning podcasts that lift up the culture.


Beth Redman is married to Matt and they have 5 children. An author, communicator and Dove-award winning songwriter, Beth carries a passion to speak into the lives of women and their walks with God.

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