Let’s start with a quick poll: raise your hand if you’ve ever felt overwhelmed or frustrated about something that should’ve been easy and ended up being really complicated? Like trying to agree on where to eat with a group of your friends. Or picking a movie after scrolling through netflix for an hour. Maybe it’s trying to figure out how in the world to file your taxes correctly. Or let’s be real, even that boy you’ve been telling your friends about, but “it’s complicated” lol. I mean we expect parallel parking and AP Trigonometry to be complicated, but picking what college you want to go to…that should be easy right?
Okay, now that we’re all on the same page about our complicated lives (because we’ve all been there lol), what about my relationship with God? Sometimes we can go into a relationship with the Lord expecting it to be complicated. Maybe you’ve grown up in church, and you’re still trying to figure out the difference between sanctification and justification and righteousness (because same lol). Or maybe you’re new to Christianity, and all those words I just listed are brand new to you. It can feel kind of complicated and a bit overwhelming, but I’ve got GOOD NEWS. The Gospel isn’t complicated! In fact, a relationship with Jesus is actually really simple.
Romans 10:13 says, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” It doesn’t matter where you find yourself, what you’ve done, or the areas of your life that you feel are overwhelming, If you call on the name of the Lord YOU WILL BE SAVED.
You don’t have to fix yourself up, clean up your life, or even attend church a certain number of times before you can call on Jesus. Right now, wherever you are, you can call on Jesus. He meets you exactly where you are, and gives you new life. It really is as simple as that.
Our newest album, THIS IS THE GOSPEL by Elevation RHYTHM, describes the profound simplicity of the GOOD NEWS, the Gospel of Jesus, through every song on the album. Songs like “You Will Be Saved”, “Wind of Love”, and our title track, “This Is The Gospel” express the story of Jesus and the way the Gospel impacts our everyday lives. Before the first song was written, we knew we wanted this album to be rooted in foundational truth for the next generation. This isn’t a mash-up of unrelated songs, but rather a story communicating what it looks like to place your faith in Jesus. From the first note to the final lyric, this album is meant to be a journey filled with Biblical truth and lyrics right from scripture.
One of my favorite songs on the album, “You Will Be Saved”, was written out of Romans 10:9 which says,“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” We want every person who listens to this album to know there’s a God who thinks they’re worth dying for. And He didn’t just come for a specific group of people. He came for everyone… Because we all need saving.
Christianity isn’t something for certain people, in certain seasons, who live up to a certain standard. If any of that were true, we would’ve named the song, “You Will Be Saved… After You Do XYZ.” Salvation was never meant to be a gated gift only “good” people could receive or earn. It’s a gift freely given out of a love we can’t comprehend.
Our prayer is that these lyrics would become anthems of truth over your life. Lyrics like,
As simple as that
Don’t overthink
Don’t complicate it
No strings attached
He loves you
He loves you
God loves you so much that he would send his only son to die on the cross so that we could have life and relationship with him for eternity. He loves you. As simple as that. & if you put your trust and hope in Him, it changes everything.
I’ll never forget a conversation I had with a friend of mine a few years ago. She had grown up in church, but during high school began to walk away from God. She got caught up in the wrong crowd and found herself looking for purpose, meaning, fulfillment in partying, drinking, and relationships only to find herself feeling more and more lonely, empty, and unfulfilled. She told me about the moment she realized she hadn’t just been searching to fill the places of her heart, but she was actually running from God. It was on a typical night after a party she had been at that she sat in her car and prayed the simplest prayer, “Jesus, I need you”. Immediately, there was an immediate peace that filled her heart. She started to cry, and said for the first time that she felt the unconditional love of Jesus that had been drawing her heart to Him all along. THIS IS THE GOSPEL of Jesus at work. That no matter where you find yourself, you can call on Jesus & He will meet you with His unconditional love. The moment you put your hope and trust in Jesus, you are being transformed from the inside out. Even if everything else might be complicated, you can rest in the simple truth of the GOOD NEWS. Jesus loves you so much.
We pray that this album speaks to your heart in a way that only God can. We are believing that you would know the unconditional love of Jesus, and that these songs would compel you to a deeper relationship with Jesus.
ELEVATION RHYTHM is an essential part of the DNA of Elevation Church based in Charlotte, North Carolina, and sets the musical compass for Elevation’s younger generation of worshipers. After releasing a handful of songs like “QUIET” and the No. 1 Christian CHR / HOT AC radio single “NEVER WALK AWAY,” the group released their first full-length album, Growing Pains, in the spring of 2022. They followed that project with a fun, summer anthem, “AQUÍ ESTOY.” The group has released its sophomore album, This Is The Gospel. Unlike their emotionally-focused debut, This Is The Gospel, is not only a work of art but a testament to faith.