Give Thanks to the Lord

by | Nov 22, 2022 | Life Advice

“Praise the Lord. 

Give thanks to the Lord, 

For he is good;

His love endures forever.” 

Psalm 106:1

In the midst of the storm,

Give thanks.

For His abundant provision…

The beauty that surrounds,

New mercies every morn,

Bread sent from heaven,

An endless well of living water,

The daily miracle of breath,

and conquering light,

Give thanks.


The rains will fall,

The wind will blow,

You will have trouble in this world,


Give thanks.


He makes the rain.

He is the source of the wind.

He has overcome the world.

So, despite every earthside circumstance,

Praise His name;

for it is hallowed and

you are a citizen of Heaven.

Give thanks.


He is a God who gives what you need–


exactly when

it is needed.

He is a God who gives you more than you could ever earn and

so much more than you deserve


He is


When you cry out, when you are silent,

When you draw near, when you wander far,

God blesses your soul with every good and perfect gift,

He works all things together.

When you can no longer carry your burdens,

When you are so weary it is hard to breathe,

lay it all down at His feet.

He will take your ashes and straighten your crown.

Go to Him.

He will lead you to quiet waters and green pastures,

There, beneath the shelter of His wings, in the fortress of His protection,

be still and know:

Each breath is a reminder that His power resides within you.

You can trust the rhythm of His every step and be assured

that with each Spirit led step:

you are being renewed, refined, and transformed.

Give thanks.

For all that God is:








and the One who holds all things together.

Give thanks.

For all that Jesus did:

Humbled himself.

Stepped down from a heavenly throne

to take on flesh.

Flesh that would be doubted, derided, betrayed,

accused, condemned, tormented, stripped, and


Not for anything He did, but for all that we do.

Give thanks.

For a King who came to serve,

to heal, to teach,

and to give life.

Give thanks,

for a Savior who in His last pain-filled breath,

Exhaled perfect love: “Father please forgive them.”

Give thanks,

for a Savior who did not save Himself so that

death would be denied and

you would be redeemed.

Give thanks,

for Jesus who calls you worthy and chose to suffer on

your behalf.

Give thanks,

your debt has been paid in full.

Give thanks.

For the gift of His Spirit

With all His power and authority.

A Spirit that guides,


Convicts, and

Equips you to

Be salt and light so that

image bearer is the fragrance of your life;

Give thanks in the fullness of Truth:

We are entitled to nothing;

yet, given everything.

So let your heart overflow with gratitude for all you have been given.

Let a spirit of humble thankfulness take you captive…

So that every thought,

Every word,

Every action,

Glorifies God.

Be captivated by the amazing depth of God’s grace.

Be captivated by the beauty of JESUS

because through Him, although you are poor in spirit,

surrendered obedience gives rise to

the unconquerable strength of His Spirit.

A spirit of of gratitude,

A spirit of meekness:

Not me,

But HE.

Give thanks

for the life you have been empowered to live:

I am an image bearer, not a curator of my own perfect image.

I am a disciple-maker, not an audience chaser.

I am a steward of His creation,

a receiver of His provision,

I am fearfully and wonderfully made, His masterpiece;

Yet, in desperate need of Jesus’s righteousness.

A light that lives to glorify Him.

Give thanks.

He chose you.

He loves you.

Give thanks.

For a God of exceedingly;



that He is your hope and one that cannot be shaken;

He is the joy that sustains you in the deepest of valleys and

humbles you on every mountaintop.

He is the God who makes a way when there is no way,

The God who shuts the mouths of lions,

Walks you through a fire, unscathed,

The God who divides the sea,

Breathes life into dry bones,

And rains down manna from Heaven.

Give thanks,

His yoke is easy:

Ask and trust His answer: you are being transformed from poor in spirit to pure in heart.

Seek and you will find: a God whose righteousness pursues you relentlessly.

Knock and the door will be opened.

Give thanks:

because when the rains fall,

and the winds blow,

when trouble comes,

your life is built upon solid rock.

This season, and in every season,

Give thanks, be filled to overflow with gratitude because

you serve a God delights in you.

His every promise is true.

“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken,

Let us be thankful,

And so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,

For our ‘God is a consuming fire’.”

Hebrews 12:28-29

Carol Bevil is a Christian author and speaker. She is the founder of Fuel Your Body, Feed Your Soul, LLC: an Instagram ministry and blog dedicated to the truth found in Romans 12:2 and Matthew 6:33.  She has authored three books:  You Are His: 21 Day Devotional ; Break Through: 6 Weeks to Demolish Diet Culture Strongholds, and her new release, Caught Up in Hope: a 40 day devotional journey to exhale at the feet of Jesus. Carol is passionate about knowing Jesus better so that her life makes Him known. She surrendered her life to Christ at the age of forty having been raised in a Jewish home. Her writing has been featured in several publications and she serves as an ambassador for Sadie Robertson Huff’s ministry:  LO sister. Currently, Carol lives in Birmingham, Alabama with her husband Chris of 24 years and their four children surrounded by piles of laundry and a kitchen full of good things.   

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