Four Corners

by | Feb 16, 2023 | Life Advice

I recently attended a women’s retreat and we played a game called Four Corners. They asked several questions and the corners of the room represented a different answer to each question. After a question was asked, we would all walk to the corner that represented our answer to see who in the room would pick what answer (I promise there is a point to explaining this).

I will never forget the moment that God used a simple game at a retreat I wasn’t even planning on attending to reveal a life-changing truth to me. One of the questions asked was, “If you could have a super-power, what would it be?” I found myself torn between two of the four corners, flying or teleportation, and I said it out loud. The girl next to me responded, “Choose flying. If you teleport, you will miss the journey.”

As I wrestled through making my decision, her response changed the trajectory of my walk with Jesus in the best way. God used it to identify a tendency within me that was hindering me from experiencing the fullness of His perfect plan. I used to always want to take the shortcut because it was more convenient. I realized at that moment that if choosing the shortcut means missing the journey, it isn’t worth it. Even if I did ultimately end up where I was supposed to be, I would be lacking what He desired to produce within me in the process.

There are two lessons I pray you learn from this story:

The first is this – Never underestimate who and what God can use to speak to you.

Don’t try to limit a limitless God to fit within the box of your expectations. He just might use who or what you least expect to reveal Himself in an undeniable way. Spend enough time in His presence to recognize His voice even when He speaks to you in unexpected places and through unlikely circumstances or people (or games, lol). When you do recognize His voice, stop to listen and allow the truth of His word to interrupt your plans, bring correction to your way of doing things, and lead you along the path of His perfect plan. When you feel Him tugging on your heart or addressing an area of your life that needs to be adjusted, no matter where you are or what you’re doing, take note and let it move you to action.

His presence is with you wherever you go; not just in church on Sunday morning, in your weekly Bible study, or when you are doing your daily devotions. He knows what you need, He knows when you need it, and His delivery is always perfect even if it’s different than our expectation of how He would show up.

When He speaks and what He speaks won’t always be at the most convenient time or comfortable to hear, but it is always intentional and always for your good and for His glory. A perfect example of this is Moses and the burning bush…

“There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a blazing fire from the middle of a bush. Moses stared in amazement. Though the bush was engulfed in flames, it didn’t burn up.” (Exodus 3:2)

God will show up in the midst of your ordinary life in extraordinary ways so that it’s undeniable that it’s Him speaking. If you will listen and apply what He is speaking, you will live continually amazed by Him doing what only He can do in and through you.

He is in everything; live aware.

The second is to choose the journey of following Jesus over the convenience of taking the shortcut.

Proverbs 16:9 says, “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.”

Decide, sincerely, that you would rather take the long way with Jesus than the shortcut without Him. The truth is, the shortcut (convenience) will end up costing you in the long run. It’s dangerous to chase the fulfillment of the promise without walking through the process. The process isn’t painless; but it grows, matures, and produces steadfastness within us along the way. The process prepares you for the promise. This is the beauty in what is at times painful, and it’s absolutely necessary.

Don’t just say that His way is better, live like you believe it’s true. Let your life be a reflection of your wholehearted trust in Jesus. When you are torn between the corners of life and tempted to choose convenience over His way, always choose His way. I can assure you that no one knows what’s best for you like the One who knows you best, and living for Him is what you are made for.

Life will present you with countless choices – big, small, and everything in between. Don’t make a decision for immediate gratification like the world does, even in seemingly small, insignificant choices. Don’t be directed, distracted or swayed by the opinion and process of man. I can assure you that there were a lot more people standing in the teleportation corner than the flying corner, but I stood in the flying corner, sure and confident of the choice that I made.

When making a decision, be led by His voice and the truth of His Word. If He is directing you to take the longer way, trust that He goes before you and that His plans for you are good. Let your confidence be in His faithfulness. Set up camp in the midst of His promises for those who love Him and walk according to His Word. To live in those promises requires the continual application of the truth of His Word to our lives. It requires that we trust that all of it is true, not just some of it.

I find myself praying this prayer often lately, that I long for nothing more or less than all of what He has for me. You’ve probably heard the quote about how life is more about the journey than the destination. It’s the journey that shapes us and helps us arrive at the destination of who God has called us to be.

I don’t want to miss a thing when it comes to what God has prepared for me. I want whatever will most reveal His glory through me.

When God used a mindless game at a girl’s retreat to remind me to not miss the journey He has for me, I never would have imagined that I would be sharing it with you, but He did, and here I am.

You might not always know where you are headed, but your trust isn’t in where you are going, but the One who is leading you step by step. He sees the full picture when you feel stuck in the right now. Let the reward of following Him outweigh the temptation to settle for the shortcut.

Walk in His way, friends. The best is yet to be!

“Though the Lord gave you adversity for food and suffering for drink, he will still be with you to teach you. You will see your teacher with your own eyes. Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, “This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left.” (Isaiah‬ ‭30‬:‭20‬-‭21‬)

Maddie is a (new) wife, worship leader, and writer. Her passion is pointing people to Jesus, following wherever He leads, and encouraging others to do the same. A few of her favorite fun things are rainy days, road trips, coffee shops, flower trucks & gold confetti. 

Keep up with Maddie on Instagram @maddiee_joy!

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