Go-Getter Girls In Your Life

Go-Getter Girls In Your Life

“She’s who I want to be when I grow up,” I quietly whispered to myself as I hit End Call on a podcast interview with a new friend. We had a great conversation that would soon air for public consumption; however, the conversation that followed was what captivated me. She shared insightful wisdom and spent more time than I deserve pouring encouragement into me after we finished recording. She was incredibly kind and we had a conversation I wouldn’t soon forget. She made me feel like my contribution to God’s kingdom mattered, and she wanted to know how she could help and encourage me in the journey.

“Why does this feel so rare?” I pondered, as I twisted a pen between my fingers and stared at the ceiling. I want to be like her. I want to celebrate like her. I want to walk alongside other women in my industry and value their gifts as she valued mine. Sadly, I recently had some experiences on the contrary. Maybe that’s why this encounter with her surprised me so much. It felt like this was the way God intended for His daughters to collaborate. I wonder if you can relate?

He prompted me with the reminder that part of my calling, as a follower of Jesus, is to help others use their gifts and talents to build the Kingdom. To celebrate what is deemed worth celebrating in the women around me. You know, rejoice with those who rejoice (see Romans 12:15). As I reflect on Women’s History Month, I’m reminded that winning alone isn’t enticing to me any longer, but winning with my fellow go-getter girls brings much joy.

It’s easier to call out the gifts in others and celebrate them with gumption when we are clear on how God has gifted us. When we’re clear on our call, we can cheer with excitement. I wonder how you would answer the question, “What were you made to do?” Where do you feel you’re naturally gifted? How has God wired you to radiate Him to the world around you? Is there a skill where, when you exercise it, you lose track of time?

God has uniquely wired you in a way best suited for the community and people He has placed you within. Understanding your purpose will allow you to maintain an eternal perspective as you take next steps (and encourage others along the way). In the Old Testament, the Lord gave Moses instructions on how to care for the oil lamps in the tabernacle (see Leviticus 24:2-4). The oil had to be replenished and the wicks had to be trimmed in order to keep the light source shining brightly within the space that held the presence of God. Why does this matter for us? On the other side of the life, death, bodily resurrection, and ascension of Jesus, we carry the very presence of God within us. The Holy Spirit, the same power that raised Jesus from the grave, is alive in us (see Romans 6:10-11). It is freeing to remember that, not only do we have the encouragement of go-getter girls around us, but in Christ, we are never alone in our struggles and discouragement. Jesus, in the sermon on the mount, calls his disciples the light of the world. He tells them to let their lights shine so that others may see their good works and so God will be glorified (see Matthew 5: 13-16).

When we seek to gain more clarity on how to shine our light, God will give us wisdom and discernment in how he desires to use us in this season (see James 1:5-6). With that clarity and confidence, it’s easier to run in your lane, eyes fixed on Jesus as you encounter other “runners” on their own course (see Hebrews 12:1-2 for encouragement). Why does this matter? I don’t want anything to hold me, or those around me, back from our God-given assignments. I don’t think you do either.

When we recognize God at work in our sister in Christ, we should be at-the-ready to recognize her and call out those gifts in her. Hebrews 10:24 reminds us to “consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.” When we celebrate the gifts and talents we see at play in our fellow go-getter girls, God will use this encouragement to spur them on in their own calling. We can create a culture of celebration, as my friend Deann Carpenter says, by walking around with confetti in our pockets. When we have clarity in our own work and a heart ready to run alongside others, God will use that desire to encourage us, too.

We have all experienced the exhaustion of a challenging season in our calling. No matter how much joy we have in our work or how confident we feel that God has us right where He wants us, we will all have moments where we want to quit. We might face obstacles that will cause us to lose steam. That’s exactly why we need one another! This month, my challenge to you is to be on the lookout for opportunities to cheer for and call out the gifts in the women around you. Make it your mission! God will use these moments to encourage and bless you too, I promise.

As we celebrate the go-getter girls around us, let’s also fall in love a little deeper with the lane in which God has called only us to run. Let’s shine our light so bright that it encourages the women around us to do the same. Collectively, we are a city on a hill that cannot be hidden (see Matthew 5:14). As we observe Women’s History Month, it’s the perfect opportunity to gain clarity on our call, encourage others who might be facing a tough season in their calling, and celebrate the amazing women God has placed in our lives. As my favorite 90s country icon Shania Twain would declare, “Let’s go girls!”

Rebecca George is the founder of Radical Radiance® —a podcast community where listeners are encouraged and equipped to radiate the heart of Jesus in their life, work, and relationships. She is an author, speaker and podcaster whose greatest joy in life is discipling others to pursue their passions in a way that builds the Kingdom. She is married to Dustin, the senior pastor of Vonore Baptist Church in East Tennessee. A proud University of Tennessee graduate, Rebecca spends her free time running outdoors, writing, or trying a new recipe with Garth Brooks playing in the background. Connect with Rebecca on Instagram (rebeccageorgeauthor) or at www.radicalradiance.live.