Kindness and Conviction

Kindness and Conviction

guest blog.

What I love about God is His kindness. His incredible Father heart, filled with grace and mercy. God’s intention from the start in the Garden of Eden was that we would stay connected to His voice. Learning what to do and the ways of life from a loving Father. But God loved us so much he gave us free will; the gift of being able to choose. He doesn’t control us or force us to love Him. I can’t imagine the heartache as a parent to have my child not choose to love me.

God wants us to always stay connected to Him but sin disconnects us. Sin separates us from God and people. I am so thankful for grace and mercy because I am not perfect and I fail, but we need to know that grace is not permission to sin. Sin destroys our lives. One of the biggest gifts God gives to us is conviction. Sometimes it’s that still small voice that says, “don’t do it”. God gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit to lead, guide and comfort us.

 In the garden of Eden, man decided to listen to another voice and make decisions not connected to the Father, ultimately devastating their lives. That’s where it all went wrong. God’s dream for us is that we would choose Him and stay connected to his voice for all decisions in our lives. That we would walk with character & integrity, running from sin. And that when we fall, we would run to the Father of kindness and let him heal and rebuild us.