
Your Faith Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect

by | Aug 8, 2017 | Life Advice | 6 comments

I often find myself thinking about the great men and women of faith we see in the Bible. Their boldness, courage, fearlessness, and tenacity to pursue after what God had laid out for them. I often compare myself to these individuals. Maybe you’ve done the same. I wish I was that bold and faithful I tell myself. I wish I trusted God as unabashedly as they did. It’s extremely easy for me to compare myself to those who have done things I yearn to do. Not only within the words of the Bible but also in day-to-day life.

But what I must constantly remind myself is the fact that these people we’re not perfect, and what I may perceive as a perfect and flawless life of faith and trust in God isn’t actually the case. They were human just like you and I. They made mistakes. They fell short. And they sometimes even chose the wrong. I’ve learned that your faith doesn’t always have to be perfect to be faith. In fact, it never will be and the Bible tells us that to be true.

Ecclesiastes 7:20 – “Indeed, there is no one on earth who is righteous, no one who does what is right and never sins.”

Mary. David. Joshua. Moses. Abraham. Peter. Paul.

And the list goes on…

These are all people who in the Bible did incredible things, had incredible faith, but also had some incredibly deep imperfections. I say this not to expose their flaws to feel better about my own, but to remind myself that we’re all flawed and a little messy. There is no such thing as perfect faith, and that’s something that should unite Christians around the world instead of divide us. We’re all perfectly imperfect, journeying through this thing called faith together, one mistake and one victory at a time. If this wasn’t the case then we wouldn’t have needed a perfect Savior, Jesus, to die on a cross, and pay the penalty for our personal sins.

So no matter what you’ve got going on in life. Whether your faith is as strong as it’s ever been or as empty as it’s ever felt, know that God is still God and his love for you stays the same. We all go through ups and downs in life. We all have highs and lows as it pertains to our relationship with Jesus. We all make mistakes.

Don’t give up because you’re feeling down. God hasn’t given up on you yet, so neither should you. Try to keep your head up high even through the lows in life. Try to keep your eyes open to God’s goodness even when you feel like all you want to do is close them. Keep your heart surrendered even when you feel like closing it off to the world.

Your faith doesn’t have to be perfect to be real faith.

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  1. Morgan Garner

    Thank you for that awesome post!

  2. Anna McBride

    This is spot on. Thank you for this excellent post!

  3. Meegan Dobson

    Love this! It was exactly what I needed to hear! I’ve been so blessed by the encouraging words of all of these posts so far! I have found it so easy to believe the lies satan tells me, but I am striving to believe GOD’S truth in the good times and bad!

  4. Mary Jane Wilkerson

    Love this message!!!! We sin but God forgives! Our God is a Good God!!! This is message is what I needed today!! ❤️❤️

  5. Olivia Wilbanks

    I love!!!!!! Thank you so much. I constantly doubt that what I am doing is enough, and there can always be room for improvement, but our faith isn’t supposed to be perfect!!! Thank you so much. God bless!

  6. Katelyn Ohlson

    This blog was awesome! Thank you so much for sharing, I have been comparing myself to others that I know who seem to have great relationships with God and I know I shouldn’t be! This helped me realize that it doesn’t need to be perfect it just needs to be REAL!