How 7 Days of an Instagram Detox Changed Me

How 7 Days of an Instagram Detox Changed Me

Sometimes we need to unplug to recharge.

This word changed my quarantine this month: unplug. While everyone was spending more time on social media, zooming, and staying connected, I knew I needed a break.

Confession: my screen time average was at least 10 hours/day at the start of the quarantine. That’s almost 50% of my day spent looking at my phone… scrolling and seeking.

Friends, I don’t share these numbers with pride. I simply want to be honest with you, and with others who might be facing the rising screen and scroll time in this season.

You won’t find what you’re looking for on your screen.

You will not discover true inspiration on your screen.

You will not feel real connection on your screen.

You will not be your original self on your screen.

This sounds harsh, but I’m here to share the good news of what happened when I stepped away from my screen by starting with an Instagram detox (yes, Instagram stole most of my time! ha)

And here’s why I decided to unplug: my mind was racing, wondering, and spinning all of the time. In. Out. On. Off. Moving. Never resting. Always available.

Do you ever feel as if your mind is racing? Spinning from the screens, scrolling, stimulation?

You’re in good company. You should definitely keep reading 😉

When’s the last time you checked your screen time? Or tracked your hours spent on Instagram or TikTok? You might be rolling your eyes or making excuses but trust me friends, this might be the most honest, vulnerable (and helpful!) thing you do for yourself this month.

I’m about to share how 7 days of an Instagram detox changed me.

Note: if you’re reading this and you can’t relate… I encourage you to keep reading. One day it might be you.

The day I started my Instagram detox was the day I started to dream again.

 Note: I limited myself to 30 minutes a day because of my job as a social media manager. Otherwise, I was totally off Insta the remaining 23.5 hours a day.

 For seven days, I spent less than 5 hours on Instagram and here’s what happened with my life:

I wrote a creative workshop (coming 5.4.2020 on the Fam!)

I wrote a blog.

I read 2 books.

I designed clothing.

I started journaling again.

I called my friends instead of sending them Instagram DMs.

I planted a garden.

I doodled graphics.

I read Joanna Gaines’ entire cookbook (I guess that makes 3 haha).

I learned to cook new meals.

I slept through the night.

And I spent quality time with my quarantine buddy (husband!) without scrolling.

Friends, I found new life after 7 days of saying no to one thing and yes to the right things.

I re-discovered the joy of creating more and consuming less.

I connected with God and my friends in new, deeper ways.

These seven days changed me. These seven days allowed me to return to my original self.

Did you know there’s something significant about 7 days?

I didn’t know this at the time I started my Instagram detox, but check this out! Scripture references the number 7 over 700 times as a symbol of completion, perfection, healing, and the fulfillment of promises.




Genesis 1 and 2 tells the story of how God created the heavens and the earth in seven days. He created, dreamed, and rested in seven days. This is the picture of the original state of our creator. Genesis and the Garden of Eden is a beautiful image of perfection, healing, and fulfillment.

Do you need to return to your original self? Do you need to feel like you’re in the Garden?

Let go of the thing or distraction that is stopping you from living in completion and fulfillment of Jesus. When I let go of Instagram for 7 days, I felt as if I returned to a state of Eden. A place in my mind and heart where I was free to create, dream, and step into my original self. It was the best version of me.

Are you looking for healing? Are you looking for fulfilment? Friend, I was looking in all the wrong places. Spending less time on Instagram revealed that I already had fulfillment in Jesus. It was always there, I was looking for that in my screen connections.

Walk away from your phone and find new inspiration. And I believe that you will find a new source of inspiration: Jesus.

You see, when we take away what the world offers, and we return to what God has gifted us to do, we find our original selves. We have all we need in Jesus.

I am writing to encourage you to pause whatever is causing your mind to race and your heart to be heavy. Take a minute, a day, a month to unplug. We are stepping into a new season, a season with in the sun, a space to try new things, and a time to enjoy God’s creation.

For further study of the significance of 7 days in the creative order, here are Biblical references that you can dive into.

Exodus 20:9-11 – Rest on the 7th Day

Deuteronomy 15:1-2 – Freedom in the 7th Year

Joshua 6:1-20 – Fulfillment of God’s promises after the people of Israel walked around the wall 7 times on the 7th day.

Matthew 18:21-22 – Forgiveness 70×7

Matthew 12:9-13, Mark 1:23-26, Mark 1:29-31, Luke 13:10-13, Luke 14:1-4, John. 5:5-9, John 9:1-7 – Accounts of people who were healed by Jesus on the 7th day.

Joshua 6:1-20 – Fulfillment of God’s promises after the people of Israel walked around the wall. 7 times on the 7th day.

Court Leatherwood is a dreamer and a creative. She’s a member of Team LO. Fueled by community, creativity and coffee, she spends her days moving the mission of Team LO through social media and graphic design. Court is passionate about encouraging other women in truth and love, and she loves celebrating small and big moments of life with handwritten cards. Court recently married the man of her dreams. 

How To Choose the “Right” Career Path

How To Choose the “Right” Career Path

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33 (ESV)

Choosing a major, choosing a career, committing to a job, those are all big steps. One of the questions that we get asked most often is: How do I choose the right career path?

Throughout the next few months on the blog, we’re going to give our best practical advice and share stories in response to some of your greatest life questions (and if you want to submit a question or topic, drop us a message on Instagram @liveoriginal!)

Question #1 How do I know that I chose the right career path?

We’re about to have that mic drop moment right now. You don’t know if you chose the right career path, but you know when you are using the gifts that God has given you.

And girl, keep reading for the best part.

My career is nothing like I thought it would be. It’s better. It’s been a journey though.

When I was nineteen and a sophomore in college, I wish someone would have told me what my career path would be. It would have made things a lot easier, or at least I like to think so.

People told me that I was smart, capable, and that I would “figure it out.”

I believed them (sometimes), but struggled to trust that I truly would figure it out. As a college student, I went from feeling overwhelmed and frustrated one day to feeling on top of the world the next day. One day I thought I knew what my future career path would be like, and the next, I was crying on my way to class because I didn’t know what I was doing or where I was going.

But what I didn’t realize was that my life purpose is more than my career.

Here’s the thing. I had a job lined up before graduating college. That doesn’t mean it was the dream job, or the best fit, but it was a start.

Starting your career simply requires starting somewhere. I spent four years in college wondering what my career would look like. I spent four+ years after college trying to make a career happen.

Job #1 I thought I had a job with way too little pay.

Job #2 I thought I had landed a job that would humble me.

Job #3 I thought I had landed the “dream job”.

Get this… I landed a marketing position at a beautiful school in Malibu, CA. Beautiful place, sweet people, wrong job. A few weeks in, I remember walking and feeling so disappointed. I wasn’t disappointed in the place, or the people (they were fantastic), it was in my role. The hard truth was, my job that I applied for was not the right one for me…

In that season of being in the “dream” job I remember feeling so confused, sad, and lonely. How could I possibly tell someone that the job and career path that I have pursued for 6 years was no longer the one for me?

And I was in such a hurry to say YES to what I thought was the dream, that I lost my why.

I felt like a fake and I felt guilty because the job was a DREAM for someone. It just wasn’t for me. Do you ever feel that way about where you are at? Or are you fearful that you might feel that one day?

I’m here to tell you: it is okay to admit you didn’t make the best yes.

Looking back at that season of my career, I though that I would just have to “make it work” since I made the choice and I needed to stick it out. I spent every waking day convincing myself that this was exactly where I should be and that it was good for me. While that may sound honorable, it’s not what you make a career out of.

You’re not called to “make it work” for your entire career.

Side note: If you find yourself in a job for a considerable amount of time and you find yourself saying “I’m going to stick it out, I’m going to make it work.” then you might need to start praying about what God has for you there. Talk with your people. Start dreaming.

Your career decisions will not decease the potential impact that God as for your life.

And I remember the day that everything changed after a conversation with my new friend (Sadie Rob!). She was the first person to remind me that the gifts God has equipped me with could be used in my career. She encouraged me to remember that my purpose was so much more than my job.

Our conversation started with one question: what do you love doing?

I briefly shared about my love for design, crafting, and heart for women’s ministry. Of course, I told her that could never be a job that combines the three of those passions (sometimes I feel like God waits for us to say what we really desire, then He’s like “Okay it’s time!” ha)

I remember her smiling at me in that moment. That was the start of my journey to working at Live Original.

What I learned from my friend that day, was that it was okay to be on the journey. It’s ok to have passions and dreams. You have to believe that God will find the place for you to use your gifts.

There were a lot of right and wrong decisions to get to where I am today.

The best career decision didn’t make sense by the world’s standards.

 And the only right decision I knew was to follow God by working to use the skills and gifts He’s created me with for his Glory. And now, this job (working for Team LO) has proved to be the best decision. The bes yes. The best career.

Most of us want to know if we are on the right path. Truth is we don’t fully know. We don’t know what God can and will reveal to us throughout our lifetime.

We do know that God can use us right were we are at.

We do know that different seasons with different jobs expand our capacity.

We do know that we serve a greater purpose than even the most fulfilling career.

So if you’re sitting here wondering if you chose the right path, or you’re about to make a choice on to your first career path, just pause. Really. Make a decision to try something new or move forward with right where you are at.

Don’t spent too much time wondering if you’re right. Otherwise you will be sure to miss out on what God has in store for you.

So I’ll share some practical advice for those who are still wondering:

#1 Don’t be afraid to be wrong or make the “wrong choice” of career.

Sometimes those choices bring you close to knowing what your true gifts and passions are and they allow you to redirect your path (that was me!).

#2 Listen to the call.

I know, I maybe you’ve heard that phrase “find your calling” too much. I believe there are key moments in your life or career that God will call you to something new. It doesn’t necessarily need to be a new job though. If you feel the call, take the leap. And find friends and family who will support you in your journey to finding your calling and your career.

#3 There’s no failure.

I remember in my early jobs fearing that people wouldn’t like me or fearing that I would fail to meet expectations and be fired for one mistake. Sure, that might happen. We learn from our failures though. And you know, you just can’t fail in God’s eyes. So live in freedom.

#4 It’s okay to be different

 Don’t compare your career, or your job to your neighbors. I remember in college being a weird girl who lacked “direction” because she didn’t want to go into a corporate role like every single one of her friends. It was awkward, and I typically over explained when people asked me why. It’s ok to be different. God has equipped us with different things.

#5 Changing direction doesn’t mean you’re lost.

If you find yourself heading into uncharted territory or somewhere you never thought you’d be, but it’s accompanies by peace, this is a GOOD sign! Friend, congrats, because that right there is a reflection of you letting God lead you and steer your path. This is the beauty of walking with Jesus: being somewhere you’ve never been but knowing that you haven’t lost your way.

#6 Dream bigger career dreams.

Your dreams might not be what God’s dream is for you. Listen humbly to his call and keep believing for big dreams.

To my sisters and friends, I’ll leave you with this encouragement:

Your life already has purpose before you choose the path.

Your life is worth more than the job choices that you make.

Your life can be trusted in God’s hands.

Your journey is your own.

Your story is your own.

I don’t know where you are at, but I know that you are not alone. I don’t have the answers to your questions, but I do know we’re not supposed to have all of the answers. I don’t know if you’re living in fear of failure, but I do know that life with God allows us to live in freedom.

Praying you walk in freedom today, dream big dreams, and believe that your life is greater than your career path!

Court Leatherwood is a dreamer and a creative. She’s a member of Team LO. Fueled by community, creativity and coffee, she spends her days moving the mission of Team LO through social media and graphic design. Court is passionate about encouraging other women in truth and love, and she loves celebrating small and big moments of life with handwritten cards. Court recently married the man of her dreams. 



Have y’all ever had a good shower cry? You know, as alone and vulnerable as it gets? That was me the other night! Crying my eyes out while the water was rushing over me.

There’s something about that. I believe there was renewal that happened that day.

For months, I’ve been in the hustle, the grind, the excitement of wedding planning and working towards preparing for marriage. In that season, my heart was so restless. Days were spent moving through the task list at work, at home, and in my relationships. I was incapable of sitting still for more than a few minutes. Y’all, I couldn’t even watch one full episode of Netflix without getting off the couch to cross something else off the list.

My struggle to sit still was not a problem with my to-do list. It was a heart problem.

My heart was restless. Not for my husband. Not for my wedding. Not for my work. For Jesus.

The happiest season of my entire life was marked by a deeper restlessness because I NEEDED Jesus. You may be thinking, how in the world did this girl struggle through the happiest season?

I tried to live life without Jesus, filled by the pursuit of people (which is good).

There were days spent at my house where I wondered from one task to the next. And by task I mean fluffing pillows, or organizing my closet, ya know the stuff that really isn’t important. The stuff that you only do when you can’t sit still.

Here’s what I learned about restlessness:

  1. I need God.
  2. I need to seek God, even when He’s already seeking me out.
  3. It’s ok to admit that I’m struggling.

Rest is receiving His love. Rest is trusting what might be ahead for your journey, whether you know your destination or not. In rest we find our purpose. We find our need for Jesus.

In my conversations after that night, I started to notice a similar theme of restlessness with the people around me. I started to realize that I wasn’t the only one. I wasn’t alone.

Have you ever had different conversations with friends, and there seems to be a theme that consistently pops into your talks? You know, a theme that is repeated. Some may say “that’s a coincidence” but I like to believe that’s Jesus revealing something to us.

Many of my friends, in different life stages, are going through seasons of restlessness.

Whether you’re preparing to bring a child into the world, you’re starting a new job or semester at college, or maybe you’re just waiting for the next “BIG” thing in your life, I pray that you’re encouraged my these words and the season ahead.

It’s so easy to have a restless spirit. I believe that restless seasons come to a halt when we stop striving and simply trust where God has us today and where He is taking us.

Rest is the equivalent to receiving, of allowing yourself to just be you and be cared for in the midst of your restlessness.

When we are restless, that means we rest, less. Right? Resting less means that we are taking it on ourselves. We are doing it all ourselves. We are believing it’s up to us to do (insert blank) in our lives.

I’ve started to notice the patterns of restlessness. These patterns were revealed to me in and through my conversations with friends in all seasons of life.

Restlessness creeps into your life when…

  1. We don’t know where we are going.
  2. We know where we are going but don’t know what to expect.

Key words here: “don’t know.” Things we don’t know in life can bring forth anxiety, fear, wondering, and ultimately striving to take control and work to bring answers to those things.

There are so many things we don’t know, friends.

There are so many things we can’t control, friends.

There are so many things we “should do”, friends.

There are so many reasons to choose striving or performance over resting because it gives us control in the things that we don’t know. (side note: hear my heart and examine the truth and beauty of working hard. That’s what God calls us to do in our days. He does not call us to strive and not trust Him in our efforts though, because ultimately many of our life outcomes are out of our control because of the world that we live in).

Back to the restless days… we work physically and mentally to feel like we are moving forwardand making progress. When we rest less, we tend to forget our purpose. Focusing on the to-do lists and the tasks feeds the need to work without rest.

And friends, you were created to both work and rest. You were created to both accomplish and trust. You were created to dream and do.

That was me. Preparing for what was ahead, yet still entering the unknown.

We have to remind ourselves where our eyes are fixed, whether we can see the destination or not. Paul talks about fixing our eyes on the destination. There’s a story in Acts 27:24-26 about Paul and others in a shipwreck, and though the storm was rough, Paul and friends were encouraged by where they were heading, where their destination was.

Together they turned away from their anxious heartsand fixed their eyes. Today, we fix our eyes. We receive rest. We receive His love. In Matthew 28, rest is a matter of receiving the Father’s love and grace.

Pause today. Rest today. You are worthy of both love and rest.

This song comes to mind in moments when I need to be still, moments when my mind is racing, moments when I desperately need to feel God’s presence and love. Listen to Pieces by Amanda Cook.

I pray that these lyrics come to life in you…

You don’t give your heart in pieces, you don’t hide yourself to tease us

You don’t give your heart in pieces, you don’t hide yourself to tease us

Your love not fractured, it’s not a troubled mind

It isn’t anxious

It’s not the restless kind

Your love’s not passive

It’s never disengaged

It’s always present

It’s hang on every word we say

Love keeps it promises

Its keeps its word

It honors what’s sacred

Cause its vows are good

Your love not broken

It’s not insecure

Your love not selfish

You love is pure

You don’t give your heart in pieces, you don’t hide yourself to tease us

You don’t give your heart in pieces, you don’t hide yourself to tease us

You don’t give your heart in pieces, you don’t hide yourself to tease us

For those of you who have made it this far, and you still can’t tell if you’re restless, read and answer these questions:

  1. Do you find yourself not able to sit still for more than 5 minutes?
  2. Are you able to easily share your thoughts with others? Are you writing or journaling?
  3. Do you know how to spend your free time? Does free time make you anxious?
  4. Are you thinking about the things that you need to do next while you’re in conversations with people? Are you ready to move on to the next thing?
  5. Are you fearful of what’s to come?

These questions are some of the things I like to check in with myself on. And a few months ago, I had a serious pulse check on my heart. I’m talking about the spiritual kind.

Yes was the answer to all of the questions above. That doesn’t make me bad human, it does mean that I’m not leaning into God for rest, provision, and security.

With you and for you friend.

Court Leatherwood is a dreamer and a creative. She’s a member of Team LO. Fueled by community, creativity and coffee, she spends her days moving the mission of Team LO through social media and graphic design. Court is passionate about encouraging other women in truth and love, and she loves celebrating small and big moments of life with handwritten cards. Court recently married the man of her dreams. 

Bounce Back

Bounce Back

There’s a thing I like to call the “bounce back.” You’re probably thinking the biggest-loser-life- change-kind of bounce back. This one is small. This one happens in the everyday.

Bouncing back is choosing to lean into conflict through communicating your heart and mind.

Some of you might be those who love to address conflict or enjoy a good argument. Others might be sitting there with a pit in their stomach at the thought of conflict.

I believe this post is important for every one of you. Why? Because the people that matter most to us, the people we desire deep connection with, are worth leaning in for.

Let me explain with a story.

A few weeks ago, my fiancé and I were out to dinner before a friend’s birthday party. With the engagement season, there’s some stretching financially. Raise your hand if you know the feeling!

Anyway, we got into a pretty heated disagreement at a communal dinner table. Pure entertainment for the people sitting around us, I’m sure. Our argument was over finances. Naturally, we grew up with different backgrounds and family situations, so there are times when we are not on the same page. Comments were exchanged about money… and then cut deeper into knocks on one another’s character. If anyone knows me, I tend to get a little defensive when I feel challenged or questioned! So we fought it out… right in front of everyone. Tensions were so high that the waitress approached us, and immediately walked away looking busy (HA!). As dinner came to an end, we had another choice to make besides who was paying the bill.

I could choose to walk away, go home, and pass on the party for some alone time (basically, run away) OR I could choose to stay, to be with Taylor, and go to the party (bounce back).

What would you do? Would you run or would you lean in?

There was a moment in the car that changed everything. Somehow these words came out of my mouth, “Let’s be a team. I hear you. I know we have different views, but we are in this together. We are a team. We are not against each other.”

Bounce back. I chose to lean into conflict by communicating my heart and mind. The opposite of that would have been to walk away, leave the scene, and not talk with the person I love.

What I am learning these days is how important it is to “bounce back” with the ones you love.

Start the tough conversations, talk through different perspectives, maybe argue in public places.  In the past, I’ve always wanted alone time. Isolation. Distance. Time to process (calling all introverts!). But that’s not always what is best for my relationships and the people I love.

So here’s what I’ve learned in the bounce back process. May you be encouraged in your relationships.

 Bouncing back means you’re on the same team.

It is easy to forget that the people who are closest to us are on our team. When conflict happens, we can feel like the other person is on a different team. Though they might have a different perspective or feeling, that doesn’t mean they are not FOR YOU. The moment we realize that our closest people are on our team, is the moment we can say “yes” to bouncing back from disagreements or conflicts! Remind your people that you are with them and for them.

Bouncing back usually happens within 24 hours.

 That’s right. The key part of leaning into conversations and conflict in your relationships is it needs to happen quickly. I have this thing with my close friends called the 24 hour rule. That means that if something happens, comments are made, feelings are hurt, etc. You must talk about it with the other person within 24 hours. There’s less time for hurt, less room for misunderstanding, and more time for connection. Try it. Paul talks about this kind of quick forgiveness and encourages us to forgive, comfort and reaffirm your love for him. That means YOU. My friends action should take sooner rather than later.

(Side note: Hear me friends, this is not about throwing heavy emotions or life situations quickly on the run. This is about choosing to lean in, process those things, and communicate with your people. There will always be situations and experiences that are so big that they are hard to move past in 24 hours. We’re only talking about the everyday things here.)

 Bouncing back creates deeper connection.

What a necessary and beautiful thing for our relationships. The beauty of leaning into conflict with those you love can often unlock a closeness and a connection in your relationships, friendship, or with your family. Connection leads to understanding to empathy to closeness to grace to love (and sometimes even laughter). When we choose to lean for connection remember to be considerate and constructive. 1 Corinthians 10:23 encourages us to seek not our own good but the good of others. That means we choose to bounce back for the good of others, for the good of our relationships.

 Bouncing back takes courage.

You better believe that courage is necessary to make the bounce back happen in your relationships. It can be scary. Brene Brown says it best…

“Waking up every day and loving someone who may or may not love us back, whose safety we can’t ensure, who may stay in our lives or may leave without a moment’s notice, who may be loyal to the day they die or betray us tomorrow – that’s vulnerability.”

And guess what… she’s right. Choosing to love others, to lean into conflict and hard times, knowing they might not respond in the best way, takes incredible courage and boldness, but I believe it’s worth it.

Choose to bounce back.

I want to take a moment to encourage you.

You choose to bounce back because that person matters.

You choose to bounce back because of grace.

You choose to bounce back because you humble yourself.

Friends, don’t waste time. Don’t let your pride or insecurity get the best of you. Consider the people you love most and how you can lean into deeper connection.

So how can you bounce back today?

Who do you need to call?

What conversations do you need to have?

How can you come close to the ones you love?

God promises us a refreshing of our souls… especially when we repent and forgive (Acts 3:19). And friends, I believe that for you. I desire that for you. Let’s step into that today. See how our boldness and courage to bounce back with the ones we love can transform relationships.

Court Kruger is a dreamer and a creative. She’s a member of Team LO. Fueled by community, creativity and coffee, she spends her days moving the mission of Team LO through social media and graphic design. Court is passionate about encouraging other women in truth and love, and she loves celebrating small and big moments of life with handwritten cards.

Follow Court on Instagram @courtkruger

Good Friday, Great Friday

Good Friday, Great Friday

Good Friday, Great Friday.


Today is a good day. This day is the day that Jesus died on the cross over 2000 years ago.


Do you agree? Do you feel like today is just another good day or is it a “Good” Friday? Your views about this Friday might depend on how you see yourself today. How do you feel about “you” today?


I only ask this question because I think many of us can feel the guilt, the shame, and the heaviness of what happened 2000 years ago. Some of us take the crucifixion of Jesus very seriously and this day weighs us down.


Others, perhaps you, might not feel the weight of the death of Jesus, but you feel the guilt, with some shame sprinkled in, for things that have happened in your life. For making poor decisions. For living recklessly. For not using words kindly. For being angry. For a million other things.


But, friends, today is a “good” day for all of us because this is the day where all those things that drive us to shame and guilt have been laid before our Lord and He says it is as if they never happened. (Hebrews 8:12) Whoa! That is so good, it is GREAT!


On this day, a little over 2000 years ago, grace invaded our lives.


Let’s take a minute to consider exactly what happened because of that day…


There is nothing too great.

There is nothing too messy.

There is nothing too awful.

There is nothing too stressful.

There is nothing too tragic.

There is nothing too dark.

There is nothing too heart-breaking that HIS greatness cannot help you overcome.


Friends, this day reminds us that it is okay—no, not just okay, it was designed for this purpose—to lay it all down at the cross. That means all the things I mentioned above–the dark, messy stuff—can be brought before our Lord and laid down at the cross. You won’t physically have a cross to walk up to, but that cross is always there for you.


Think about this. Because of this day, you are able to see your true, redeemed, deeply-loved self, reflected in the cross of Jesus. This day makes it possible for you to see yourself as God sees you. When Jesus went to the cross, He went for you so you do not have to stay bound to the mistakes you’ve made. Jesus’ death allows you to be free from the burden of your own sin.

l John 1: 5-7 tells us that God is light and there is no darkness found in Him. When we walk with Him, we, too, walk in the light. His light purifies us and makes us clean and new.


Watch what He will do.


Think back to that Friday 2000 years ago. Imagine close friends and family members watching Jesus as He hung on the cross. Thinking. Waiting. Praying. Watching what He would do. How their hearts must have been breaking. This was someone dear to them. Someone they walked and talked with. Someone they loved. They couldn’t know His next steps, although He had tried to tell them. They didn’t fully understand.


Now, think about this Friday. Today. There are many who are thinking, waiting, praying for Jesus. We know more. We’ve read the bible. But, we still don’t know it all. We’re still watching for what Jesus will do—for that day when He will return to take everyone home with Him. And, we watch and wait for all the things He will do with our lives.


Watch what He will do.


It’s hard to fathom the depth of the physical pain Jesus endured. How can the word “joy” be associated with any of that day, yet it was. Hebrews 12:2 (NIV) records, “for the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” The joy set before Him was us. He did what He did for us—you and me. And, His knowing that He was suffering for our benefit brought Him joy.


Imagine yourself at the foot of the cross today. Go ahead, look up, as if looking up at the cross. Fix your eyes on Jesus. Think of His greatness and His love for you. Forget about earthly things. Instead, think only on God and what He did for you. Then take a step forward. Yes, really take a step. And in that step, let His greatness wash over you. Feel the greatness He has called on your life. Jesus’ death on the cross called all the powers of God down on your life. When you step toward Him, He opens His hands and pours His goodness on you. For that day forward, God can and will direct your steps. Oh, He doesn’t call you to walk this way or that around the block. It’s much better than that. When you include Him in your decisions for life, He will point you in the right direction, guide you through the good and bad, and teach you more about yourself with each step.


Watch what He will do.


I love how Colossians 2:2 is worded in the Passion Bible. It says, “I am contending for you that your hearts will be wrapped in the comfort of heaven and woven together into love’s fabric. This will give you access to all the riches of God as you experience the revelation of God’s great mystery—Christ.”


Jesus’ death on the cross ensures that you have access to everything good God has planned for you. Are you ready for what happens next? Where is God going to take you? How is your life going to change? I don’t have all the answers; I just know I want to be a part of it—whatever it is. How about you?


This is Good Friday. Most of the world celebrates this day, recognizing its significance in history. But, I say, anytime I can lay my burdens down; anytime I can anticipate the future with joy; anytime I can celebrate a risen King means it’s a GREAT DAY!


So today let’s call it “Great Friday” and spread the good news that Jesus is coming again!


Prayer: I open my heart to you today, Father. Will you receive everything that I lay down at your feet? Thank you for restoring the goodness of who we are and will be at the surrendered sacrifice. Father, you are so good — you are so great. I believe there is nothing greater.

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Sadie Robertson Huff is well known for her engaging smile and energetic personality, but there is a lot more to the 25-year-old star of A&E’s Duck Dynasty and runner up on ABC’s Dancing With the Stars season 19


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