
King of My Heart

by | Nov 3, 2017 | Testimonies | 2 comments

you are good.

Let the King of my heart
Be the mountain where I run
The fountain I drink from
Oh, He is my song

Let the King of my heart
Be the shadow where I hide
The ransom for my life
Oh, He is my song

You are good, good

Let the King of my heart
Be the wind inside my sails
The anchor in the waves
Oh, He is my song

Let the King of my heart
Be the fire inside my veins
The echo of my days

Oh, He is my song

You’re never gonna let
Never gonna let me down


This song has been on repeat for a year – a full year to (begin to) understand the depth of God’s faithfulness.

The first time I really “listened” to the lyrics of this song was a year ago, standing in a church in LA. I felt the overwhelming sadness and desire to be in a relationship with a Christian guy, while also feeling the joy of moving to a new city with a new role in ministry. It was a confusing time of emotions and stretched boundaries of trusting God. So, I listened to this song for countless hours – both in quiet places of solitude and grand worship.

Every time this song played, I shouted my prayers…


You’re never gonna let me down… in relationships

You’re never gonna let me down…. in a job

You’re never gonna let me down…. fill in the blank

And over this year… He did answer those prayers. Repeatedly.

I spent this last week celebrating my birthday and reflecting back on the year. I’m overwhelmed by God’s faithfulness in my life – and his constant provision. Praises for sure! There’s something more important that I learned.

There is no  situation, relationship or location that can change the goodness and joy of the Lord. He is everything we need – always. 

John 16:33 – He has already overcome and laid the path before us. Take heart!

Friends, God is never gonna let us down. Period. This hopefulness in his provision is not in one area, relationship, situation, or location. His provision for LIFE. And life to the fullest is a promise.

Stepping into another year, I am trusting him now more than ever.  His abundant faithfulness has moved me into a posture of rooted confidence in His provision, for EVERY aspect of my life. He will never let us down in good situations. In bad situations. In all situations. These words are filled with a hopefulness, as well as a comfort.

Psalms 91 sums up this promise and comfort so well. The Word says His faithfulness will be your shield – that’s a promise!

I love resting in that His faithfulness, no matter the season – He will be our shield to experience constant joy, peace and His love. It’s the kind of armor that nothing this world can shake – if we trust.

Friends, He will not let you down if you let Him be your everything.


Father I pray that your goodness will always be evident in our lives – that situations, locations, and relationships will not define your love for us. For greater trust and deeper faith in your provision. And for those who are weary – may you deliver rest to their hearts. 

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  1. Margie Lozano

    This is amazing

  2. Angelo Acuña

    Beautiful, thanks for sharing.

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